NAV Navbar
  • Flaticon API v3
  • Authentication
  • Get Access Token
  • Settings
  • Styles
  • Tags
  • Items
  • Search
  • Schemas
  • Flaticon API v3

    Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

    Simple reference for Flaticon API. The entrypoint of the API is

    Base URLs:

    Email: Flaticon API support Web: Flaticon API support


    Get Access Token


    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '',
      method: 'post',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    POST /app/authentication

    It returns a valid token for making requests to the API.

    Through a “post” request, it will be possible to authenticate your credentials (private API key) in the Flaticon API. As an answer to the request, you’ll receive a temporal authentication token which you can use to make other requests. The authentication token will expiry in 24 hours. After that, you’ll need to request that token again in order to continue working with the API. If you want to use the Flaticon API, you can access to and request a personal API KEY. For more info, contact us at or check our FAQ at

    Body parameter

    apikey: string


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body object true none
    » apikey body string false Private API key assigned to an API user.

    Detailed descriptions

    » apikey: Private API key assigned to an API user. For example: 720ed16a5b36858asd2589d883bdea6d4587280e953

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiI0ZDEzOGViMi1hMDE5LTRhYzEtYWJmNy0wYTMxMDYyZTQ2NzgiLCJleHAiOjE1MDg4NDM3MjIsImlkIjoiNDQ2OTE4NCJ9.FlexrpEdISo-Pfpx5dS3znUVPU229p6SlncT2AJZzN8",
      "expires": 1508399774


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. LoginResponse
    501 Not Implemented The request is not correct. ErrorResponse
    503 Service Unavailable A valid API key is needed to request an authentication token. ApiKeyNotValid



    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '',
      method: 'put',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    PUT /app/settings

    Enable or disable extra requests to the API.

    Our premium API plans come with a monthly limit for the number of requests and downloads you can make. If you use up your limit, you can activate the overage to keep using the API, but you'll be charged for each additional request or download.
    With this method, you can activate or deactivate the overage at any time. This means you can keep using the API even when you reach your monthly limit, and turn off the overage when you no longer need it.

    Body parameter

    enable_extra_requests: string


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    enable_extra_requests body string true Values are 0 to deactivate and 1 to activate.

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": {
          "enable_extra_requests": "1",


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. StylesResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken



    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '',
      method: 'get',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /styles

    It gives you a list with all Flaticon styles.

    Method that allows you to get a paged list with information about Flaticon styles, design formats that icons or packs have. For example, an icon may be available in fill, color, or lineal color styles.


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    page query integer false Page about which the request is made. In case it doesn’t exist, it will return page 1.
    limit query integer false Number of max. authors returned per request. In case it isn’t requested, it will return 100 styles by default. The maximum limit is 100 and the minimum 50.

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": [
          "id": 852,
          "icons": 50,
          "packs": 1,
          "name": "Bicolor",
          "color": "color",
          "shape": "lineal color",
          "family_id": 3,
          "family_icons": 580,
          "family_name": "Special",
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Style/example"
      "metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "count": 7,
        "total": 7,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. StylesResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken


    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '{id}',
      method: 'get',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /style/{id}

    It gives you detailed information about a style.

    Method that allows you go get detailed information about a style, the design format that an icon or a pack has. For example, an icon may be available in fill, color, or lineal color styles.


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    id path integer true none

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": {
        "id": 852,
        "icons": 50,
        "packs": 1,
        "name": "Bicolor",
        "color": "color",
        "shape": "lineal color",
        "family_id": 3,
        "family_icons": 580,
        "family_name": "Special",
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Style/example"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. StyleResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken



    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '',
      method: 'get',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /tags

    It gives you a list with all Flaticon tags.

    Method that allows you to get a paged list with information about Flaticon tags that icons or packs have.


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    page query integer false Page about which the request is made. In case it doesn’t exist, it will return page 1.
    limit query integer false Number of max. authors returned per request. In case it isn’t requested, it will return 100 styles by default. The maximum limit is 100 and the minimum 50.
    havingStickers query integer false Get tags that have stickers

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": [
          "tag": "abc block",
          "stickers": 0,
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Tag/example"
      "metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "count": 7,
        "total": 7,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. TagsResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken



    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '{id}',
      method: 'get',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /item/icon/{id}

    It gives you detailed information about a resource (icon or sticker).

    Method to obtain detailed information about an icon or a sticker.


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    id path integer true none
    iconType query string false Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    iconType: Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": {
        "id": 13719,
        "description": "arrow directions",
        "colors": 0,
        "color": "black",
        "shape": "fill",
        "family_id": 1,
        "family_name": "Basic Straight",
        "team_name": "Freepik",
        "added": 1511878441,
        "pack_id": 110841,
        "pack_name": "WebDev SEO",
        "pack_items": 251,
        "tags": "directional sign,direction,right arrow,left arrow,arrows,directional",
        "equivalents": 0,
        "images": {
          "16": "",
          "24": "",
          "32": "",
          "64": "",
          "128": "",
          "256": "",
          "512": ""
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Icon/example"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. IconResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken


    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '{id}',
      method: 'get',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /item/pack/{id}

    It gives you detailed information about a pack.

    Method to obtain detailed information about a pack (icons pack or stickers pack). A pack is a set of resources (icons or stickers) that share a theme. Besides, any given pack may be found in one or many styles associated or not with a family.


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    id path integer true none
    iconType query string false Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    iconType: Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": {
        "id": 110841,
        "description": "WebDev SEO",
        "colors": "emerland",
        "color": "black",
        "shape": "fill",
        "family_id": 1,
        "family_name": "Basic Straight",
        "team_name": "Freepik",
        "added": 1511878441,
        "pack_items": 251,
        "tags": "seo and web,search engine optimization,website,interface",
        "equivalents": 0,
        "images": {
          "sprite": ""
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Pack/example"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. PackResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken


    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '{id}',
      method: 'get',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /item/icon/download/{id}

    It downloads the item

    Method that allows you to download the selected icon with the selected format or the selected sticker.


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    id path integer true none
    format path string true Item format to download. Is possible to choose between 'svg' and 'png' formats. If no format is sent, it will return the item in 'png' format.
    color query string false Monocolor Icons can be downloaded in different colors. Color property has to be a valid hexadecimal color. If no color is sent, it will return the icon in black.
    size query string false Size to download the selected Icon. the valid sizes are: 16, 24, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512. If no size is sent it will return the icon with a size of 32px
    iconType query string false Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    format: Item format to download. Is possible to choose between 'svg' and 'png' formats. If no format is sent, it will return the item in 'png' format.

    color: Monocolor Icons can be downloaded in different colors. Color property has to be a valid hexadecimal color. If no color is sent, it will return the icon in black.

    size: Size to download the selected Icon. the valid sizes are: 16, 24, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512. If no size is sent it will return the icon with a size of 32px

    iconType: Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Example responses

    401 Response

      "status": "error",
      "message": "Expired token | Token not found"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. None
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken

    Response Schema



    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '{orderBy}',
      method: 'get',
      data: '?q=string',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /search/icons/{orderBy}

    It returns a list with all the resources (icons or stickers) according to the search.

    Method that allows you to get a paged list with the results of the search. By default, it will return a list order by priority. If no order is set, it will return items order by priority. In order to avoid 403 errors when svg resource is used to show the resource in result lists you must not store data in cache more than 15 minutes.


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    orderBy URI string false Order by in results from Flaticon API. You can choose between order the results between 'priority' or 'added'. Priority order will return items ordered by an algorithm based on the downloads ratio. Added order will return items ordered by the date they were added to Flaticon.
    page query integer false Page number
    q query string true term to search for
    packId query integer false Filter the results by pack id.
    styleColor query string false Filter the results by color. Color coud be black, color or gradient.
    styleShape query string false Filter the results by shape. Shape coud be outline, fill, lineal-color or hand-drawn.
    limit query integer false Number of max. items returned per request. In case it isn’t requested, it will return 100 packs by default. The maximum limit is 100 and the minimum 10.
    iconType query string false Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    orderBy: Order by in results from Flaticon API. You can choose between order the results between 'priority' or 'added'. Priority order will return items ordered by an algorithm based on the downloads ratio. Added order will return items ordered by the date they were added to Flaticon. For example:

    iconType: Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": [
          "id": 13719,
          "description": "arrow directions",
          "colors": 0,
          "color": "black",
          "shape": "fill",
          "family_id": 1,
          "family_name": "Basic Straight",
          "team_name": "Freepik",
          "added": 1511878441,
          "pack_id": 110841,
          "pack_name": "WebDev SEO",
          "pack_items": 251,
          "tags": "directional sign,direction,right arrow,left arrow,arrows,directional",
          "equivalents": 0,
          "images": {
            "16": "",
            "24": "",
            "32": "",
            "64": "",
            "128": "",
            "256": "",
            "512": ""
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Icon/example"
      "metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "count": 7,
        "total": 7,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. IconsResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken


    Code samples

    var headers = {
      url: '',
      method: 'get',
      data: '?q=string',
      headers: headers,
      success: function(data) {

    GET /search/packs

    It returns a list with all the resources (icons or stickers) according to the search

    Method that allows you to get a paged list with the results of the search (standard or sticker).


    Name In Type Required Description
    Authorization header string true A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request.
    orderBy URI string false Order by in results from Flaticon API. You can choose between order the results between 'priority' or 'added'. Priority order will return items ordered by an algorithm based on the downloads ratio. Added order will return items ordered by the date they were added to Flaticon.
    page query integer false Page number
    q query string true term to search for
    styleColor query string false Filter the results by color. Color coud be black, color or gradient.
    styleShape query string false Filter the results by shape. Shape coud be outline, fill, lineal-color or hand-drawn.
    limit query integer false Number of max. items returned per request. In case it isn’t requested, it will return 100 packs by default. The maximum limit is 100 and the minimum 50.
    iconType query string false Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Detailed descriptions

    Authorization: A temporal authentication token is needed to validate the request. For example: Bearer ASApqasdfFjrqjwnwqerqw-q.erqwecrqjewr9qwer0qwe8rq7er...

    orderBy: Order by in results from Flaticon API. You can choose between order the results between 'priority' or 'added'. Priority order will return items ordered by an algorithm based on the downloads ratio. Added order will return items ordered by the date they were added to Flaticon. For example:

    iconType: Resource Type. It’s possible to choose between ‘standard’ or ‘sticker’. If iconType is null, by default will be standard resource (Standard resource is an icon).

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "data": [
          "id": 110841,
          "description": "WebDev SEO",
          "colors": "emerland",
          "color": "black",
          "shape": "fill",
          "family_id": 1,
          "family_name": "Basic Straight",
          "team_name": "Freepik",
          "added": 1511878441,
          "pack_items": 251,
          "tags": "seo and web,search engine optimization,website,interface",
          "equivalents": 0,
          "images": {
            "sprite": ""
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Pack/example"
      "metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "count": 7,
        "total": 7,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request has been successfully made. PacksResponse
    401 Unauthorized Authentication token expired or non-existent. ExpiredToken



      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiI0ZDEzOGViMi1hMDE5LTRhYzEtYWJmNy0wYTMxMDYyZTQ2NzgiLCJleHAiOjE1MDg4NDM3MjIsImlkIjoiNDQ2OTE4NCJ9.FlexrpEdISo-Pfpx5dS3znUVPU229p6SlncT2AJZzN8",
      "expires": 1508399774


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    token string false none Your temporal authentication token.
    expires integer false none Expiry date of the token (in timestamp format).


      "status": "error",
      "message": "Expired token | Token not found"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    status string false none none
    message string false none none


      "error": "The requested resource couldn’t be obtained."


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    error string false none Error type description


      "error": "An API key is needed to log in. Please try again with a valid API key."


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    error string false none A valid API key is needed to make this request.


      "page": 1,
      "count": 7,
      "total": 7,
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    page integer false none none
    count integer false none none
    total integer false none none


      "data": [
          "id": 852,
          "icons": 50,
          "packs": 1,
          "name": "Bicolor",
          "color": "color",
          "shape": "lineal color",
          "family_id": 3,
          "family_icons": 580,
          "family_name": "Special",
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Style/example"
      "metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "count": 7,
        "total": 7,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    data [Style] false none none
    metadata Metadata false none none


      "data": {
        "id": 852,
        "icons": 50,
        "packs": 1,
        "name": "Bicolor",
        "color": "color",
        "shape": "lineal color",
        "family_id": 3,
        "family_icons": 580,
        "family_name": "Special",
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Style/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    data Style false none none


      "data": [
          "tag": "abc block",
          "stickers": 0,
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Tag/example"
      "metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "count": 7,
        "total": 7,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    data [Tag] false none none
    metadata Metadata false none none


      "id": 852,
      "icons": 50,
      "packs": 1,
      "name": "Bicolor",
      "color": "color",
      "shape": "lineal color",
      "family_id": 3,
      "family_icons": 580,
      "family_name": "Special",
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Style/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    id string false none none
    icons string false none none
    packs string false none none
    color string false none none
    shape string false none none
    family_id integer false none none
    family_icons integer false none none
    family_name string false none none


      "tag": "abc block",
      "stickers": 0,
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Tag/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    tag string false none none
    stickers integer false none none


      "data": [
          "id": 13719,
          "description": "arrow directions",
          "colors": 0,
          "color": "black",
          "shape": "fill",
          "family_id": 1,
          "family_name": "Basic Straight",
          "team_name": "Freepik",
          "added": 1511878441,
          "pack_id": 110841,
          "pack_name": "WebDev SEO",
          "pack_items": 251,
          "tags": "directional sign,direction,right arrow,left arrow,arrows,directional",
          "equivalents": 0,
          "images": {
            "16": "",
            "24": "",
            "32": "",
            "64": "",
            "128": "",
            "256": "",
            "512": ""
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Icon/example"
      "metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "count": 7,
        "total": 7,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Metadata/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    data [Icon] false none none
    metadata Metadata false none none


      "data": {
        "id": 13719,
        "description": "arrow directions",
        "colors": 0,
        "color": "black",
        "shape": "fill",
        "family_id": 1,
        "family_name": "Basic Straight",
        "team_name": "Freepik",
        "added": 1511878441,
        "pack_id": 110841,
        "pack_name": "WebDev SEO",
        "pack_items": 251,
        "tags": "directional sign,direction,right arrow,left arrow,arrows,directional",
        "equivalents": 0,
        "images": {
          "16": "",
          "24": "",
          "32": "",
          "64": "",
          "128": "",
          "256": "",
          "512": ""
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Icon/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    data Icon false none none


      "id": 13719,
      "description": "arrow directions",
      "colors": 0,
      "color": "black",
      "shape": "fill",
      "family_id": 1,
      "family_name": "Basic Straight",
      "team_name": "Freepik",
      "added": 1511878441,
      "pack_id": 110841,
      "pack_name": "WebDev SEO",
      "pack_items": 251,
      "tags": "directional sign,direction,right arrow,left arrow,arrows,directional",
      "equivalents": 0,
      "images": {
        "16": "",
        "24": "",
        "32": "",
        "64": "",
        "128": "",
        "256": "",
        "512": ""
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Icon/example"


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    id integer false none none
    description string false none none
    colors string false none none
    color string false none none
    shape string false none none
    family_id integer false none none
    family_name string false none none
    team_name string false none none
    added integer false none none
    pack_id integer false none none
    pack_name string false none none
    pack_items integer false none none
    tags string false none none
    equivalents integer false none none
    images [any] false none none


      "data": [
          "id": 110841,
          "description": "WebDev SEO",
          "colors": "emerland",
          "color": "black",
          "shape": "fill",
          "family_id": 1,
          "family_name": "Basic Straight",
          "team_name": "Freepik",
          "added": 1511878441,
          "pack_items": 251,
          "tags": "seo and web,search engine optimization,website,interface",
          "equivalents": 0,
          "images": {
            "sprite": ""
          "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/schemas/Pack/example"
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